Communion and Confirmation

  • Primary School Children

    Preparation of primary school children for the sacraments is carried out according to the Archdiocesan Sacramental Guidelines.

    Children in Year 3 are accepted into the Parish programme to prepare them to receive the Sacraments of Confirmation and First Holy Communion. Confirmation will be received in the latter part of Year 3 with First Holy Communion in Year 4. Older primary school children (Year 4 or 5) who have not completed these sacraments are also accepted into the programme.

  • Sacramental Programme 2024/2025

    The Sacramental process for children currently in Year 3 or older leading to Confirmation in October 2024 and First Communion and Reconciliation in 2025 will commence with submission of Enrolment forms in June/July.

    Enrolment Forms are available at Mass in both churches, through OLA School or by download by clicking this link. Click Here

    Should you have any further enquiries, please contact the Sacramental Coordinator by email

    Note: Re Baptism. Children who wish to be prepared to receive the Sacraments must be baptised before enrolment. If children are not already baptised, they will need to do Baptism Preparation for older children when it is scheduled in November or May. Please contact the Sacramental Coordinator now to determine how your child may be assisted.

    Please note that Sacramental Preparation is the responsibility of the Parish, not the Catholic School, (though the Parish is extremely grateful for the support provided by our Parish School). Thus you should expect to be provided with the latest information through Parish sources such as the Weekly Newsletter and this website.

  • Teenagers and Adults

    Preparation for these sacraments as well as Baptism is carried out through the RCIA process. Please contact the Sacramental Coordinator for any further enquiries. (

    Click Here for additional information about RCIA